International Adoption
New Horizons works with programs in several countries and complies with all U.S. Adoption Laws. Children of all ages, including children with special needs, are available for placement. New Horizons handles all international communications and arrangements. Assistance is provided with naturalization procedures.
New Horizons has international programs in Liberia, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, and Uganda, . We also provide referrals to other agencies that work in other international countries.
New Horizons Adoption Agency, Inc. is now accredited in Liberia and is accepting applications.
Age of Parents: Minimum age of 25 years old, special approval must be given for parents over 40 years old.
Family Size: No requirement
Marriage: Must be married at least two years
TRAVEL: Escorting is currently not available. Parents must travel.
● Children 0-6 years are available
● Ethnic background is African
● Average wait for a referral varies
● Sibling groups may be available
● Average wait from referral to placement varies
Age of Parents: Adoptive parents must be at least 25 years old and 21 years older than the child.
Health: Home Study certifying health is sufficient to raise adopted child.
Family Size: No restrictions
Marriage: Must be married at least two years
TRAVEL: 2 – 3 Trips are required
First Trip: 2-3 weeks
Second Trip: 2-3 months (this depends on the couple’s decision, they may stay until child’s visa is obtained or they may choose to return after the visa is ready. Approximate stay is 6-15 weeks or longer, depending on circumstances out of our control. One parent can leave after the court ruling, approx. 4 weeks)
● Children 1-5 years are available (there may be an occasion when a child is younger or older than the given range will be available)
● Ethnic background is African
● Health: Most children are in good health; it is uncommon to see some medical challenges such as malnutrition, delayed development, club feet, and cleft palate.
● Sibling groups may be available
● Special needs children are available: Hydrocephalus, sickle anemia, HIV+, and/or ailments and issues that could have been but were not diagnosed, or that cannot be diagnosed at a particular age but may become more apparent later in development.
Age of Parents: Minimum age of 25 years old, special approval must be received for anyone over age 40.
Family Size: Families with no children in the home.
Marriage: No minimum requirement (New Horizons has a 2-year marriage requirement).
TRAVEL: Escorting is not allowed. Parents must travel. Approximate stay is four weeks.
● Children of all ages are available
● Ethnic background is Singhalese or Tamil
● Sibling groups and children with special needs are available
● Average wait for a referral to placement varies
Age of Parents: Minimum age of 25 years old, special approval must be given for parents over 40 years old.
Family Size: No requirement
Marriage: Must be married at least two years
TRAVEL: Escorting is currently not available. Parent Must travel. Since the Children’s Amendment Act passed, a minimum of 12 to 18 months stay in Uganda is required.
POST PLACEMENTS: Uganda requires annual post placement reports completed by a social worker on the child through age 5. Uganda also requires families to submit an annual report until the child reaches the age of 18.
● Children of all ages are available
● Ethnic background is African
● Sibling groups are available
● Average wait from referral to placement varies.